Establishing and Tearing Down Altars: Session 7

Learn how to cultivate and keep a kingdom atmosphere in session 7 from the Altars, Gates, Covenants teaching. Understand the steps to building an altar for personal transformation that can extend into changing the world. Watch this powerful repurposed broadcast with Prophet Charlie Shamp.

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Note from Prophet Charlie:

Partners, I pray this video series was a blessing that brought clarity to you and helped you grow stronger in the faith. Continue to be intentional as you not only deal with the things within your own life through repentance and seeking transformation, but be intentional with prayer, fasting, reading God's word, fellowship, and making time to be with Him. I am thankful for your partnership, friendship, and am continually praying for fresh revelation as you remain fully dedicated to God.

Be blessed,

Questions to Consider:

Partners, respond below to any of the questions you find applicable within your faith journey. Let's encourage, pray, and continue the discussions in the comments so we can learn, support, and grow in community together!

  1. As Prophet Charlie shared, "Your life should mature and bear much fruit." Prayerfully consider if there is any wrong thinking or systems you need to untangle and repent from. Are you comfortable sharing how the Lord is bringing you through greater transformation?
  2. What Bible verse really impacted you from this teaching?
  3. God didn't place you on this earth to be alone. Be in company with others that understand you! How have you been intentional to find a place to fellowship with other believers that strengthen you and whom you can impact as well?

Complete and Continue  