Seed Wars: Session 2
God's seed is on the inside of you! Discover what that means in session 2 from the Altars, Gates, Covenants teaching. When we look at Genesis 3 we see the conflict between two separate seeds; darkness and light, deception and truth, and a wrestling match with the question, "Did God say...?". Are you ready to move from barely getting by to taking full responsibility towards who God created you to be? Live on purpose and learn to manifest righteousness in this repurposed broadcast with Prophet Charlie Shamp.
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Note from Prophet Charlie:
We are praying God's presence, power, and glory is manifested through this broadcast. May your born-again nature be fully revealed to the world. Love righteousness, hate unrighteousness. Love God, hate satan. Love the light and hate darkness. There is NO middle ground and no more gray areas. Righteousness is right. The enemy wants to mark you with confusion and deception, yet the Holy Spirit already branded you through Christ Jesus. Soldier, stand firm and walk in step with the Spirit, you are an overcomer and impacting the world for His glory and the good of others!
Be blessed,
Questions to Consider:
Partners, respond below to any of the questions you find applicable within your faith journey. Let's encourage, pray, and continue the discussions in the comments so we can learn, support, and grow in community together!
- Can you remember a time the enemy had you deceived, and you were left wondering, "Did God say...?" Share how you got through that deception and discovered the truth of God.
- What Bible verse really impacted you from this teaching?
- Prophet Charlie said, “Many bring to God what they determine to be good enough, but no fire falls onto their hearts that kindles a flame of passion for the Lord.” This is the difference between what is good and acceptable versus what is required. Prayerfully consider how God wants to move you from barely getting by to taking responsibility for what He’s created you to be. How can you bring a sacrifice holy and acceptable to Him? Share specifics in the comments.