Disembodied Spirits: Session 3

Understand the ultimate goal of satan and learn how to push back the darkness and release light in session 3 from the Altars, Gates, Covenants teaching. The Lord prophesied there would be a change, triumph, and rebirth that would come through the seedline of Adam and Eve. Uncover a deeper understanding of why this matters, who you're at war with, and how to live triumphantly through this repurposed broadcast with Prophet Charlie Shamp.

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Mentioned Resources: (NEED TO UPDATE)


Note from Prophet Charlie:

Partners, we, and other Christ-followers are the army of God. Let's rise up and act like the soldiers He is empowering us to be. Things are happening all around us that are not happenstance. People are hurting and needed Jesus. Demonic spirits have been around for generations that the Holy Spirit can move through you to cast out. The world is ready to see Christ glorified on this earth We pray this teaching ignites greater passion and purpose within you to go forth and preach the gospel through signs and wonders, in Jesus' name!

Be Blessed,

Questions to Consider:

Partners, respond below to any of the questions you find applicable within your faith journey. Let's encourage, pray, and continue the discussions in the comments so we can learn, support, and grow in community together!

  1. Does your name have prophetic significance?
  2. What Bible verse or ancient religious text really impacted you from this teaching?
  3. Prophet Chalie said, "The witchcraft and satanic realm operate out of the flesh. The Holy Spirit moves in spirituality... When you live by the spirit you find safety and comfort in the midst of chaos." As a Christ-follower you've been anointed, appointed, and called to cast out devils, heal the sick, raise the dead, and walk in God's power. If you're trying to be popular in the world's eyes it will never work. God gives us anointed eyes to discern the truth and lies. Prayerfully consider how you can "armor up" to walk out this calling. Do you need to pray in tongues more, fast, schedule intentional time to study the Word? Share below how you feel God leading you to impact the world!

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