Entry Gates and Battling Entities: Session 4

Understand the seven truths of gates in session 4 from the Altars, Gates, Covenants teaching. Dig into the biblical revelation of ports, learn how to test the spirits, and possess the gates of the enemy. Watch and catch fire for Christ in this repurposed broadcast with Prophet Charlie Shamp.

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Note from Prophet Charlie:

It's such a gift to train and equip our partners in this! We are constantly lifting up the destinies of your life, and we are so thankful for you. Continue to be spiritually aware at all times. Guide your spaces and places through the study of the Word, praying in tongues, anointing your homes, and spending time with Jesus. As you interact within other spaces, you begin to change the climate and atmosphere for the good. In Christ, you have the authority to possess the gate of the enemy. May the fire of the Holy Spirit continue to burn everything away that isn't of God and ignite within us a deep passion for Him.

Lord, set us on fire for the things of You. Burn passion, purpose, and power in and through us, our homes, children, finances, and every gate we enter through. May we carry a spiritual sensitivity as we walk in the authority of being Christ-followers. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Be blessed,

Questions to Consider:

Partners, respond below to any of the questions you find applicable within your faith journey. Let's encourage, pray, and continue the discussions in the comments so we can learn, support, and grow in community together!

  1. Prophet Charlie taught that praying in tongues is Christ-revelation that empowers you to battle in warfare. The prayer that goes up is a mystery and comes down as revelation. Every revelation you receive should be backed and discerned through God's Word. What revelation has God been sharing with you? Write down the Scripture that supports that.
  2. What Bible verse really impacted you from this teaching?
  3. Test the spirits. Spend time with Jesus and prayerfully consider who is resting in your heart or your home. How are the gates you've entered affecting you or your family? Reflect on how your prayer time went.

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